My friend Coral walked into my room with these gorgeous pumps and I was stunned by the decoration on the heel in the back. They remind me of those colossal black gates that guard the castles or the sky high towers in the cities. I then thought about the shoes I owned... So, I decided to post some of the shoes from my closet.

so here they go !
These are the highest heels I own and also one of my favorites. The silver buttons with intricate details remind me of the romantic era when women wore skintight corsets and make the shoes seem more expensive than they really are. The shoes are made of felt, wood and metal. The bottom sole is made of rubber to create the non-slippery effect.
These shoes are made of suede and leather. The bottom sole isn't as great as that of the shoes above. The heels are not as high as I want them to be but I still love the flap in the front.
These bright bright bright! orange Deena & Ozzy oxfords are shimmery even from far far away. I haven't been able to wear them to school yet... People might think of me as a... bright... bright... bright... person. I'm still a bit scared that the inside of the shoes might get dirty as I wear them without socks, regarding the fact that oxfords with socks don't work out so well for me.
These shoes are the particular pair that my mom hates. However, these have just the right amount of heels that allow me to wear these casually. The folded flaps make my legs look a bit skinnier and longer (or thats how I would like to think of it ! ) Because the shoes are made from leather, it is critical that I spray the leather protector all over before wearing them outside in the much much snow/ice/rain/slush.
These canvas leather lace-up sneakers from Urban Outfitters are one of my favorites. I didn't like them as much when they first arrived; they were very new and white as a blank canvas. But as I wore them outside, stains and smudges filled the canvas, the shoes began to find their way to looking more vintage. I tied the laces on the end just like in the picture, because it was awkward to tie a ribbon or tuck them under the flaps.
TOMS TOMS TOMS! My first pair was the blue one, ordered online @ I was deciding between a red pair and a light blue, because I wanted to try a new, bold color. TOMS= Comfy. However, upon entering Nordstrom, I couldn't help but purchase another pair. At that time, I went back into my instincts and chose between a pair of canvas and a pair of black. Thinking that I could match black with more of my outfits, I eventually chose the black pair. Yet, these perfect shoes still have a downside. They get pretty dirty and smelly after some time. So, the resolution I came up was ... to just put them in the washing machine. The color of the shoes get bit washed out after several washes, so if you could wash them by hand, that would be a better alternative.

These days, almost everyone owns these! Perfect for snow and rain, I see these everywhere. Unlike other ordinary rain boots or wellies, where they are molded in with rubber as a whole, Hunters are put together by different parts of the boots. There are so many different colors and collaborations. My favorite is the collaboration with Jimmy Choo ↓

(Pictures from
These are the last pairs of shoes that I will be sharing. These are Cooperative Lace-Up Sherpa Heel Boot. Not sure what the material is... Its very soft, but also has that plasticky feel to it as well. Unfortunately, the leather protector spray does not work on this mysterious material. But, inside of these heels is FURRRR. It keeps my feet very warm outside, and the heels are the perfect hight for daily use & comfort.

I love your shoe collection!!! Especially those Hunters were needed item for this gruesome winter!!