La Petite Sirène, Poucette & La Reine des Neiges
I am a huge fan of Hans Andersen. This book contains The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina and The Snow Queen. I haven't read it but I'll soon. I already know all three stories so I hoped it to be an easy read and a good practice for my French... but I got discouraged by the book's wordiness.
The fun part of reading the stories of Andersen is that most of them contain nice illustrations or re-created in different medias- usually animations and sometimes a musical.
Got two images (top) by Googling and screen-captured the actual scene (bottom)
Ariel! The Disney version of the Little Mermaid. I personally like the original ending better than the fairy tale styled happy ending. But I love that scene from the first movie of the Little Mermaid. "La-lalala-lala-lalala~ Kiss the girl~" Sebastian is my favorite character.

Left image from the Encyclopedia page of Thumbelina (1994 film) and two right images from Googling.
I never knew that Thumbelina existed in animation. They are not from the Disney and I've never watched it so I can't really say anything about it. It was directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman from a screenplay by Bluth.
Illustrations of the Little Mermaid by Christian Birmingham.
Illustrations of The Snow Queen by Christian Birmingham.
Illustrations by Birmingham:
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